Captain Boom, the Pirate Chief, was fed up of watching his men argue amongst themselves every time it came to divvying up the treasure. After some deep thinking, he finally came up with a way to divide the treasure that used the things pirates love the most: dice and cards! Now it's your turn to divide the treasure! Become the richest of the Pirate Apprentices by collecting the largest part of the prize!
Roll the dice.
Play your cards to make them correspond to the results on the dice.
Help yourself to treasure based on the cards you used.
Key points: -Helps to recognize numbers and learn the first mathematical operations
New version
A big seller in educational channels
Age: 4 years old
Duration: 15 minutes
Number of players: 1 to 10 
Designer: Jacques Meloche
Illustrator: Jacqui Davis
Translator: Matthew Legault
Graphic designer: Bernard Cabarrou
Art Director & Project Manager: Forgenext
Publisher: Marc Beaudoin 
65 Cards
3 Ten-sided dice
1 Hourglass
25 Gold Coins
50 Crystals
25 Diamonds
1 Rulebook